(accessed on 8th April, 2019). ITE Journal. (1991). and Abdel M.H.(2012). Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, From The Coming of Post-Industrial Society, from the book "From Modernisme To Postmodernism," Blackwell Publishers 1996.[3]. According to the World Health Organization, fibers including in asbestos are the most harmful occupational carcinogens. Most of them were focused on evaluating column's fire resistance and provided some recommendations of structural fire resistance. International Journal of Diary Science. ConstructionleadershipCouncilCLC,ObtainingSuretyDuringCOVID19,https://www.constructionleadershipcouncil.co.uk. 1.1, pp. [2]. (2015, October 14). Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal.. Garcia-Nieto, J., Olivera, A. C., & Alba, E. (2013). Azzaz, H.H., Kholif, A.M., Murad, H.A.,Hanfy,V. "Available from‟: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com [Accessed 10 February 2017]. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, USA, 2000. Bdliya, B. S. (2007). The results indicate that the cable tension for CFRP is less than Steel cables, however, the vertical displacement of the girder is higher in CFRP than in steel cables. 120 farmers were selected for the study purpose. Series-4. & Banwo Olalekan & Alabi S.. (2006). Construction time serves as a benchmark for assessing the performance of the construction projects. Concr.Compos. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences. The experiment was laid out in Completely Randomized Design (CRD). IOSR Journals are International Peer Reviewed Indexed Journals. Silica fume (SF) was added in concrete mixes as a partial substitution of the cement weight by 10%, and also GF added by1% ratio from the cement weight. J. S.B. Agrochemicals knowledge report. || Mustapha, Y || Ubayi K.M || Sariyyu. [4]. Spécialité : Productions et Biotechnologies Animales. Respirology, 16(3), pp.553-563. Eastwood, P., Takahashi, K., Lee, P., and Maher, T., 2011. The journal welcomes publications of high quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications in computer technology. Missohou A, Nahimana G, Ayssiwede SB, Sembene M, Goat breeding in West Africa: A review [in French]. [4]. Using Cumulative Curves ToMensure Saturation Flow and Lost Time. Pays Trop., 2016 ; 69 (1) : 3-18. [5]. Likert, R. A., A Technique for the Measurement of Attitudes. [3] Granata, M.F., et al., Construction sequence analysis of long-span cable-stayed bridges. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) Series-1 (January 2020) January 2020 Issue Statistics Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 [4]. SAIKIA, D || LAKHLANI, C. D. || KUMAR, K. Aminatou Aliou Barazi || Mahamadou Chaibou, I.A. Ainsi, dans le cas particulier des ressources zoogénétiques domestiques, trois types de mesures de conservation peuvent être théoriquement mises en oeuvre: la conservation in situ, ex situ in vivo et ex situ in vitro. Replicated three times. International Arachnids Newsletter 25:544-57. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 7(4):162. H Lakhani and J Ožbolt (2019)," Structural behaviour of Reinforced Concrete (RC) columns under fire." The WG was used in concrete mixes as a partial substitution of sand (fine aggregate) at proportions 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 80%. [1]. The University ofArizona, Tucrom. [4]. Muhammad || M. Baba || B. Babandi || I. Usman || M.U Baso || Y. Mustapha || Umar, Z. [2]. Mater. Display journals with at least . Rechcigl J. E., & Rechcigl N. A. [1]. Parties of construction projects should keep in mind as they evaluate their response to project delays and closures, safety concerns and workforce unavailability. (A) 2015. [3]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2017. S, Emmanuel Ndubuisi Okoronkwo || Uchenna Godswill Onu. (1990). Welcome To IOSR-JEN. The paper illustrates brief guidance for Covid-19 Workforce Protection. Une étude de terrain sous forme d'enquête a été conduite dans la région de Maradi sur la chèvre Rousse dans le but d'évaluer le rôle que joue son exploitation socio-économique. Generally, Livestock species in Somalia have inherent low productivity. Series-2 Department of Agricultural Engineering. Med. Pure App. Citable Docs. National Livestock Training Centre Kachia, Kaduna State Personal Communication, the Daily Trust on 12 Sept. 2013. This paper aims to two main purposes, first the effect of applying (GFRP) laminate, Ferrocement jacketing, and the combined technique between (GFRP), Ferrocement on RC columns, and the performance of using the outer coating on the behavior of the (GFRP) laminates specimens, secondly the effect of the elevated temperature on the same techniques. AbegazeBeyeneetal. (2016). Le Corbusier, From Towards a New Architecture, from the book "From Modernisme To Postmodernism," Blackwell Publishers 1996. Les résultats de l'enquête ont montré que la chèvre rousse est une source de revenues pours tous les acteurs qui l'exploite, la femelle est plus appréciée que le mâle pour ces capacités de reproduction et de production de viande et lait. Gumel || U. Musa || I.R. Little attention was paid to the behavior of (GFRP), and Ferrocement jacketing under fire conditions. designed by applying terminal sliding mode method. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences.6(2): 320-325. Archives.sundayobserver.lk. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(8), 2123-2133. 2017: p. 11. SURYANARAYANAN S, TOMIZUKA M, SUZUKI T. Design of simultaneously stabilizing controllers and its application to fault-tolerant lane-keeping controller design for automated vehicles. Available at (accessed on 8th April, 2019). Physical Control of Insect Pests. Plusieurs raisons président à cette prise de conscience dont, entre autres, les motifs écologiques, les motifs économiques et de subsistance, les motifs de lutte contre la pauvreté, les raisons socio-culturelles et l'application du principe de précaution. World Health Organization. 2019a. Alabi O. 1988, Vol. Kim. SURYANARAYANAN S, TOMIZUKA M. Appropriate sensor placement for fault-tolerant lane-Keeping control of The result revealed that perception on product quality, availability of the preferred brand, satisfaction towards the brand and performance of the product were significant as well as positive and hence, were the eminent factors that affect the customer‟s loyalty towards the brand "Saaf‟. [3]. 200-211. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2004, 12(3):329-339. Azzaz, H.H., Murad H.A, Kholif, A.M, Morsy T.A., Mansour, A.M and El-Sayed, H.M. (2013). Retrieved September 16, 2020, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/43123342. Heat Index Calculator. Anonymous. Retrieved from Presidential secretariat Sri Lanka: http://www.presidentsoffice.gov.lk Vincent Charles & Hallman Guy. 174: p. 267-281. [5]. [online]. 9 talking about this. (2005). Conserv. Optimal cycle program of traffic lights with particle swarm optimization. 2017. International Programme On Chemical Safe. Heat Index Charts-National Climatic DataService Jackson, Kentucky. Biosci. Jean-Paul Sartre, Existentialism, from the book "From Modernisme To Postmodernism," Blackwell Publishers 1996. This is the same as it has..... Keywords - Nusantara Theory Architecture, the concept of urban development. Livestock Production in Somalia with Special Emphasis on Camels. (2years) Ref. Tan, H. Du, Use of waste glass as sand in mortar: Part Ⅰ – fresh, mechanical and durability properties, Cem. [5]. ‪International Organization of Scientific Research‬ - ‪Cited by 8,750‬ - ‪Engineering‬ - ‪Dental‬ - ‪Medical‬ - ‪Humanities‬ - ‪Social Science‬ Index Paper ; Cover Paper ; Paper Type: Research Paper: Title: Inversion Formula For Generalised Integral Transform Of Several Variables : Country: India: Authors: PRASANTH, P || VASUDEVAN NAMBISAN , T M: 10.9790/5728-1605010111 : Abstract: In this paper an inversion formula for integral transform of I- function of several complex variables has been established. Se… [4]. Automotive Tan, H., Wu, Y., Shen, B., Jin, P. J., & Ran, B. Thèse de Doctorat Unique. ABSTRACT: Resumé: Au Niger, La chèvre Rousse de Maradi par ses qualités économiques, est un animal à retenir pour la diffusion et la constitution des troupeaux caprins familiaux. Rodent and bird pests constitute major source of losses in crop production. Obstacles to integrated pest management adoption in developing countries. [2]. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) Series-1 (October 2020) October 2020 Issue Statistics Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 [5]. 40: p. 95-106. Washington, DC, 2. Res. 35 (2013) 109–117. Keywords - Pandemic, coronaviruses, Covid-19, gross domestic production, delay, workforce, construction sector. Wiley Online Library. Elmi, A. CanadianJournal of Animal Science. China Mechanical Engineering, 2007, 18(7): 866-870. The indigenous cattle breed in Somalia include; Gasara, Surqa, Dawara and Boran. Psychol., New York, 140: 43-55 (1932). [3]. 12(2): 265 – 270. BOETTCHER P. J., TIXIER-BOICHARD M., TORO M.A., SIMIANER H., EDING H., GANDINI G., JOOST S., GARCIA D., COLLI L., AJMONE-MARSAN P.Objectives, criteria and methods for using molecular genetic data in priority setting for conservation of animal genetic resources. [2]. (2013), "Strength and stiffness of post-heated columns repaired with ferrocement and fibre reinforced polymer jackets." Assuming that the information of lateral offset to the lane center line can be obtained by using the onboard Download data. [5] Sham, S.H.R. [1]. [1]. The study employed probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling techniques. The IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) is an open access online & offline peer reviewed international journal, which publishes innovative research papers, reviews, mini-reviews, short communications and notes dealing with Pharmaceutical Sciences( Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry … (3years) Cites / Doc. Il ressort également que le male résiste plus aux maladies que la femelle. M. AbouElmatty || A. SeragFaried || M.A.A.El- Aziz || M. M. Abdel-Hakam, Fabio de Souza P. Borges || Adelayda P. Fonseca || Reinaldo C. Garcia, T C S De Silva || T Basnayake || K R B Herath, Bhakti Alamsyah || Bambang Suwarno || Rusiadi, Daniel Kumah || Liu Ronggui || Cornelia Asiedu-Kwakyewaa. Subscribe hard copy of subscription Subscribe now, Series-1 [5]. [2]. In addition, inclusion of ionophores in the diets of ruminant animals dictates the type and amount of volatile fatty acids that result from fermentation activities, for instance ionophores have been found to enhance the production of propionic.... Keywords: ionophores, rumen fermentation, methane emission. Nalubwama S, Vaarst M, Kabi F, Kiggundu M, Bagamba F, Odhong C, Mugisha A and Halberg N 2014: Challenges and prospects of integrating livestock into smallholder organic pineapple production in Uganda. Accessed July, 2020. [4]. Parsa S., Morse S., Bonifacio A., Chancellor T. C., Condori B., Crespo-Pérez V& Sherwood S. G. (2014). [online].‟Available from‟: https://www.who.int/ipcs/assessment/public_health/asbestos/en/ [Accessed 16 January 2018]. [3]. Highway Capacity Manual. Preview Control for Lane Keeping and Its Steady-state Error Analysis. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 26(1), 574-583. Annual report of ministry. Besides, the overt and covert factors responsible for such attitude can also be identified. ABSTRACT: The study was conducted in the village of Ghoragacha in Nadia District, West Bengal with 70 respondents to find out the relationship between the profile of farmers and their attitude towards agriculture as a profession. IOSR Journal of Engineering is published by the International organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) with 12 Issues per year. Blummed, M., Vellaikumar, s., Devulapalli, R., Nigam, S. N.; Upadhyaya, H. D. and Khan, A. Agro-Science, 1(1), 42-53. Studies on mechanical properties of concrete containing waste glass aggregate, Cem. Farmer‟s awareness and knowledge of Moringa oleifera in Southwestern Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences is one of the speciality Journal in Dental Science and Medical Science published by International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR). 5(5): 833-837 (2017). BLENCH R.: Biodiversity conservation and its opponents. (2018). [3]. [3]. This job attempts to determine the effects of utilizing waste glass (WG) as a partial substitution of sand on ordinary concrete and also glass fibers (GF) reinforced concrete. Anonymous. Series-3 Groundnut haulm quality as affected by cercospora leaf spot severity. [3]. [5]. Impact of feeding yeast culture and propionic bacteria on the productive performance of lactating buffaloes. IOSR Journals Salwa Road Near to KFC and Aziz Petrol Station, DOHA, Qatar India Office: IOSR Journals SC-89 A, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad, UP, India Australia Office: 43, Ring Road, Richmond Vic 3121 Australia New York Office: 8th floor, Straight hub, NS Road, New York, NY 10003-9595 All Papers are indexed in Index Copernicus. Asiegbu J. E. (2000). (3years) Total Refs. Optimisation de l'utilisation des sous-produits de niébé en alimentation animale : cas des fanes et cosses. Faculté d'Agronomie, Université Abdou Moumouni, Niger/Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Sénégal / Niamey, Niger. Acad. Abstract: Carbon Fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP)cables are advantageous over steel cables such as their lightweight, high ultimate tension, and relatively lower elastic modulus. Build. Nomadic Peoples, (29), 87-103. Azzaz, H. H., Murad H. A, and Morsy T. A., (2015) Utility of Ionophores for Ruminant Animals Asian Journal of Animal Science9 (6): 254-265, Engineering, 2016, 38(2):192-199. Abstract: The urban infrastructure has experienced great challenges due to the increase in the population and consequently growth of the vehicle fleet. 13:234-241. Impact Factor more than 5. [2]. Park, B.C. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection. [4] Lozano-Galant, J.A., et al., Analysis of the construction process of cable-stayed bridges built on temporary supports. By using Lyapunov function method, the asymptotic Materials and Methods: The research used experiments..... Keywords: Automatic; Pest control; Rice; Solar powered; Time based. WiersmaF,. [2]. [1]. H.Y. Ionophores have been used in the animal industry of most nations for various reasons. It also discusses delay in construction projects regarding corona spread. Azzaz, H.H., Rbrif, H. M., Morsy T.A., and Kholif, S.M., (2015a). Karl Max & Friedrich Engels, Bourgeois and Proletarians, from the book "From Modernisme To Postmodernism," Blackwell Publishers 1996 [1]. The sample size of the Study was 100 smallholder dairy farms..... Keywords: A breed, Heat stress, Holstein Friesians, Jersey, Production & reproduction. 2006 ;39p. 39. It is an online open access journal that provides rapid publication (monthly) of articles in all areas of the subject such as: civil, mechanical, chemical, electronic and computer engineering as well as production and information technology. Cahoone, Lawrence E, From Modernisme To Postmodernism, Blackwell Publishers 1996 S, Issa HAMADOU || Seyni SIDDO || Nassim MOULA || Moumouni ISSA || Hamani MARICHATOU || Pascal LEROY || Nicolas ANTOINE-MOUSSIAUX, Babandi, B. In this research, the static and dynamic behaviorof a 1500m central span cable-stayed bridge with CFRP and steel cables is analyzed and compared using a numerical finite element model.The geometric non-linearity was analyzed for the dead load, live load, and temperature load case.The live load includes the pedestrian and primary vehicle load according to BS 5400:2 on the steel deck. And monensin effects on the use of waste glasses in the production cement! 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2007. Year in review 2010: Interstitial lung diseases, acute lung injury, sleep, physiology, imaging, bronchoscopy intervention, and lung cancer. Composites Part B: Engineering,Vol. A significant effort has been devoted to study the effect of fire on the reinforced concrete columns. K.H. Keywords - automated highway systems, lane keeping, sliding mode control, preview mechanism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(10), 3889-3894. Anim. Moreover, social participation, mass media exposure and extension contact were found to be positive and significant and thus, these were the major factors which accelerates the farmer‟s awareness towards the brand "Saaf‟.. Keywords: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Multiple Regression, Correlation. Subscribe hard copy of subscription Subscribe now. [4]. IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE) e-ISSN: 2278-2834,p- ISSN: 2278-8735.Volume 12, Issue 3, Ver. ABDOU H. : Complémentation précoce en colostrum de vache Azawak chez la chèvre rousse de Maradi au Niger, 152 pages, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de Liège, Liège, 2014. RICCARDO M, STEFANO S, MARIANA N. Integrated driver and active steering control for vision-based lane keeping. [1]. sensors, with single point look-ahead method, based on lateral vehicle dynamics model, the mathematical model [4]. The tensile strength and compressive strength of ordinary concrete at 20% WG replacement content increased by around 12% and 15%, respectively, related to the reference mixes. Vehicle longitudinal and lateral coupling control based on sliding mode control. Centre Technique de Coopération agricole et rurale Élevage des caprin (CTA). World Bank Group, Egypt Overview -Egypt Economic Growth2020 | MacroTrend,www.worldbank.org.Accessed September, 2020. || Umar, Z || Baso, M.U. We have Journals from over 23+ countries other than India and has thus become a melting pot of diverse cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicities. The IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) is an open access online peer reviewed international journal, which publishes innovative research papers, reviews, mini-reviews, short communications and notes dealing with Pharmaceutical Sciences( Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry and Molecular Drug … Nat .Resour.Persp., 1998, Num 32. (2009). Assaf, S., and Al-Hejji, S.,Causes of delay in large constructionprojects. Ousseini MMM. 2019c. Highway capacity manual. Chemical composition and in situ rumen degradability of blood meal and urea crop residues. 44.1 , pp. 184 (2018) 269– 277. 10:107-116. (2016). Utilization of cellulolytic enzymes to improve the nutritive value of banana wastes and performance of lactating goats. The residues were collected from International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) farm at Bayero University Teaching and Research Farm which is located between latitude 110 58155" and to 0000N and longitude 80 251 58.6" to 0000E in the semi-arid zone of Northern Nigeria. ABSTRACT: Résumé Les menaces pesant sur la biodiversité constituent une préoccupation mondiale qui a suscité un consensus autour de la nécessité de sa conservation. Thèse de Doctorat Unique en ès Sciences Agronomiques, Faculté d'Agronomie, Université Abdou Moumouni, Niger, Ecole doctorale Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre. [2]. 34 (2004) 2181–2189. Due to unforeseen problems encountered during Conception, designing and construction phase often led to unwanted delay in projects completion. In the advent of emerging small scale dairy farming in Somalia, there are introduction of new exotic breeds in the livestock resources of Somalia and this include: Holstein and jersey breeds. (Oxford) 29 (2009) 335–341. [3]. Journals. In T.Blass (Ed. Short-term traffic prediction based on dynamic tensor completion. [2]. Asian Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Advances. Multiple regression and correlation were used for the analysis. Guingouain C. L'élevage des petits ruminants en milieu paysan dans les régions de la Kara et des savanes au Togo : diagnostic technico-économique. This work applies then data mining techniques to calibrate the saturation flow and its robustness is shown being validated by the Shanteau[1] and the Highway Capacity Manual [2] methods.. Key words: Traffic Congestion, Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram, Saturation flow, Data Mining. Khan., I. Javed. Mani M. Caractérisation phénotypique et zootechniques de la chèvre du sahel élevée au Niger. IOSR Journal of Engineering is published by the International organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) with 12 Issues per year. [3]. || Gumel, I.A. Ali Haimoud, D., Vernay M., Bayourthe C. and Moncoulon, R. (1995). Production Performances of Holstein Friesian Crossbred Dairy Cows in Hadiya Zone, (Southern Ethiopia). There is the need to develop more efficient, human and environmentally friendly systems in the control of pests. Engineering Structures, 2012. ABSTRACT: A study was conducted to evaluate fodder yield from three groundnut genotypes residues and their nutritive value (NV). IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Series-1 (Nov. – Dec. 2020) Nov. – Dec. 2020 Issue Statistics Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Structures, 2016. Takahashi, K., n.d. Respiratory Medicine. Two samples were taken for each fiber type by changing fiber proportion and testing was carried out.... Key Word: asbestos; alternative; fibers; corn; bamboo.. [1]. Therefore, a cross sectional study assessing the factors affecting performance traits in small holder dairy farmers in Benadir region was conducted in December 2019 to February 2020. Abstract: Background: Worldwide, asbestos is a widely used roofing material in the construction field. Preliminary observations on Livestock productivity in sheep fed exclusively on haulms from 11 cultivars of groundnut. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) | Read 643 articles with impact on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. [2]. || Sariyyu. Insect Pest Management. Cependant, pour la bonne réussite d'un programme de conservation, sa stratégie doit se baser sur..... Keywords: Biodiversité, Conservation, ex situ, in situ, Elevage, Niger, Ressources génétiques animales. Ren Dianbo,Cui Shengmin, Wu Hangzhe. Abstract: It has been known that fire dramatically reduces the characteristic strength of the reinforced concrete columns. Outlook of Indian Pesticide Industry. 27-31 Manual, High Capacity. [2]. Engineering Structures, 2018. Journal of Plant Protection Research 47(3): 231-233 Pp. Keywords - crushed waste glass, compressive strength, silica fume,tensile strength, glass fibers. Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals . SJR(SCImago Journal Rank) indicator 1. [1]. Available at (accessed on 8th April, 2019). ITE Journal. (1991). and Abdel M.H.(2012). Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, From The Coming of Post-Industrial Society, from the book "From Modernisme To Postmodernism," Blackwell Publishers 1996.[3]. According to the World Health Organization, fibers including in asbestos are the most harmful occupational carcinogens. Most of them were focused on evaluating column's fire resistance and provided some recommendations of structural fire resistance. International Journal of Diary Science. ConstructionleadershipCouncilCLC,ObtainingSuretyDuringCOVID19,https://www.constructionleadershipcouncil.co.uk. 1.1, pp. [2]. (2015, October 14). Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal.. Garcia-Nieto, J., Olivera, A. C., & Alba, E. (2013). Azzaz, H.H., Kholif, A.M., Murad, H.A.,Hanfy,V. "Available from‟: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com [Accessed 10 February 2017]. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, USA, 2000. Bdliya, B. S. (2007). The results indicate that the cable tension for CFRP is less than Steel cables, however, the vertical displacement of the girder is higher in CFRP than in steel cables. 120 farmers were selected for the study purpose. Series-4. & Banwo Olalekan & Alabi S.. (2006). Construction time serves as a benchmark for assessing the performance of the construction projects. Concr.Compos. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences. The experiment was laid out in Completely Randomized Design (CRD). IOSR Journals are International Peer Reviewed Indexed Journals. Silica fume (SF) was added in concrete mixes as a partial substitution of the cement weight by 10%, and also GF added by1% ratio from the cement weight. J. S.B. Agrochemicals knowledge report. || Mustapha, Y || Ubayi K.M || Sariyyu. [4]. Spécialité : Productions et Biotechnologies Animales. Respirology, 16(3), pp.553-563. Eastwood, P., Takahashi, K., Lee, P., and Maher, T., 2011. The journal welcomes publications of high quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications in computer technology. Missohou A, Nahimana G, Ayssiwede SB, Sembene M, Goat breeding in West Africa: A review [in French]. [4]. Using Cumulative Curves ToMensure Saturation Flow and Lost Time. Pays Trop., 2016 ; 69 (1) : 3-18. [5]. Likert, R. A., A Technique for the Measurement of Attitudes. [3] Granata, M.F., et al., Construction sequence analysis of long-span cable-stayed bridges. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) Series-1 (January 2020) January 2020 Issue Statistics Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 [4]. SAIKIA, D || LAKHLANI, C. D. || KUMAR, K. Aminatou Aliou Barazi || Mahamadou Chaibou, I.A. Ainsi, dans le cas particulier des ressources zoogénétiques domestiques, trois types de mesures de conservation peuvent être théoriquement mises en oeuvre: la conservation in situ, ex situ in vivo et ex situ in vitro. Replicated three times. International Arachnids Newsletter 25:544-57. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 7(4):162. H Lakhani and J Ožbolt (2019)," Structural behaviour of Reinforced Concrete (RC) columns under fire." The WG was used in concrete mixes as a partial substitution of sand (fine aggregate) at proportions 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 80%. [1]. The University ofArizona, Tucrom. [4]. Muhammad || M. Baba || B. Babandi || I. Usman || M.U Baso || Y. Mustapha || Umar, Z. [2]. Mater. Display journals with at least . Rechcigl J. E., & Rechcigl N. A. [1]. Parties of construction projects should keep in mind as they evaluate their response to project delays and closures, safety concerns and workforce unavailability. (A) 2015. [3]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2017. S, Emmanuel Ndubuisi Okoronkwo || Uchenna Godswill Onu. (1990). Welcome To IOSR-JEN. The paper illustrates brief guidance for Covid-19 Workforce Protection. Une étude de terrain sous forme d'enquête a été conduite dans la région de Maradi sur la chèvre Rousse dans le but d'évaluer le rôle que joue son exploitation socio-économique. Generally, Livestock species in Somalia have inherent low productivity. Series-2 Department of Agricultural Engineering. Med. Pure App. Citable Docs. National Livestock Training Centre Kachia, Kaduna State Personal Communication, the Daily Trust on 12 Sept. 2013. This paper aims to two main purposes, first the effect of applying (GFRP) laminate, Ferrocement jacketing, and the combined technique between (GFRP), Ferrocement on RC columns, and the performance of using the outer coating on the behavior of the (GFRP) laminates specimens, secondly the effect of the elevated temperature on the same techniques. AbegazeBeyeneetal. (2016). Le Corbusier, From Towards a New Architecture, from the book "From Modernisme To Postmodernism," Blackwell Publishers 1996. Les résultats de l'enquête ont montré que la chèvre rousse est une source de revenues pours tous les acteurs qui l'exploite, la femelle est plus appréciée que le mâle pour ces capacités de reproduction et de production de viande et lait. Gumel || U. Musa || I.R. Little attention was paid to the behavior of (GFRP), and Ferrocement jacketing under fire conditions. designed by applying terminal sliding mode method. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences.6(2): 320-325. Archives.sundayobserver.lk. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(8), 2123-2133. 2017: p. 11. SURYANARAYANAN S, TOMIZUKA M, SUZUKI T. Design of simultaneously stabilizing controllers and its application to fault-tolerant lane-keeping controller design for automated vehicles. Available at (accessed on 8th April, 2019). Physical Control of Insect Pests. Plusieurs raisons président à cette prise de conscience dont, entre autres, les motifs écologiques, les motifs économiques et de subsistance, les motifs de lutte contre la pauvreté, les raisons socio-culturelles et l'application du principe de précaution. World Health Organization. 2019a. Alabi O. 1988, Vol. Kim. SURYANARAYANAN S, TOMIZUKA M. Appropriate sensor placement for fault-tolerant lane-Keeping control of The result revealed that perception on product quality, availability of the preferred brand, satisfaction towards the brand and performance of the product were significant as well as positive and hence, were the eminent factors that affect the customer‟s loyalty towards the brand "Saaf‟. [3]. 200-211. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2004, 12(3):329-339. Azzaz, H.H., Murad H.A, Kholif, A.M, Morsy T.A., Mansour, A.M and El-Sayed, H.M. (2013). Retrieved September 16, 2020, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/43123342. Heat Index Calculator. Anonymous. Retrieved from Presidential secretariat Sri Lanka: http://www.presidentsoffice.gov.lk Vincent Charles & Hallman Guy. 174: p. 267-281. [5]. [online]. 9 talking about this. (2005). Conserv. Optimal cycle program of traffic lights with particle swarm optimization. 2017. International Programme On Chemical Safe. Heat Index Charts-National Climatic DataService Jackson, Kentucky. Biosci. Jean-Paul Sartre, Existentialism, from the book "From Modernisme To Postmodernism," Blackwell Publishers 1996. This is the same as it has..... Keywords - Nusantara Theory Architecture, the concept of urban development. Livestock Production in Somalia with Special Emphasis on Camels. (2years) Ref. Tan, H. Du, Use of waste glass as sand in mortar: Part Ⅰ – fresh, mechanical and durability properties, Cem. [5]. ‪International Organization of Scientific Research‬ - ‪Cited by 8,750‬ - ‪Engineering‬ - ‪Dental‬ - ‪Medical‬ - ‪Humanities‬ - ‪Social Science‬ Index Paper ; Cover Paper ; Paper Type: Research Paper: Title: Inversion Formula For Generalised Integral Transform Of Several Variables : Country: India: Authors: PRASANTH, P || VASUDEVAN NAMBISAN , T M: 10.9790/5728-1605010111 : Abstract: In this paper an inversion formula for integral transform of I- function of several complex variables has been established. Se… [4]. Automotive Tan, H., Wu, Y., Shen, B., Jin, P. J., & Ran, B. Thèse de Doctorat Unique. ABSTRACT: Resumé: Au Niger, La chèvre Rousse de Maradi par ses qualités économiques, est un animal à retenir pour la diffusion et la constitution des troupeaux caprins familiaux. Rodent and bird pests constitute major source of losses in crop production. Obstacles to integrated pest management adoption in developing countries. [2]. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) Series-1 (October 2020) October 2020 Issue Statistics Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 [5]. 40: p. 95-106. Washington, DC, 2. Res. 35 (2013) 109–117. Keywords - Pandemic, coronaviruses, Covid-19, gross domestic production, delay, workforce, construction sector. Wiley Online Library. Elmi, A. CanadianJournal of Animal Science. China Mechanical Engineering, 2007, 18(7): 866-870. The indigenous cattle breed in Somalia include; Gasara, Surqa, Dawara and Boran. Psychol., New York, 140: 43-55 (1932). [3]. 12(2): 265 – 270. BOETTCHER P. J., TIXIER-BOICHARD M., TORO M.A., SIMIANER H., EDING H., GANDINI G., JOOST S., GARCIA D., COLLI L., AJMONE-MARSAN P.Objectives, criteria and methods for using molecular genetic data in priority setting for conservation of animal genetic resources. [2]. (2013), "Strength and stiffness of post-heated columns repaired with ferrocement and fibre reinforced polymer jackets." Assuming that the information of lateral offset to the lane center line can be obtained by using the onboard Download data. [5] Sham, S.H.R. [1]. [1]. The study employed probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling techniques. The IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) is an open access online & offline peer reviewed international journal, which publishes innovative research papers, reviews, mini-reviews, short communications and notes dealing with Pharmaceutical Sciences( Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry … (3years) Cites / Doc. Il ressort également que le male résiste plus aux maladies que la femelle. M. AbouElmatty || A. SeragFaried || M.A.A.El- Aziz || M. M. Abdel-Hakam, Fabio de Souza P. Borges || Adelayda P. Fonseca || Reinaldo C. Garcia, T C S De Silva || T Basnayake || K R B Herath, Bhakti Alamsyah || Bambang Suwarno || Rusiadi, Daniel Kumah || Liu Ronggui || Cornelia Asiedu-Kwakyewaa. Subscribe hard copy of subscription Subscribe now, Series-1 [5]. [2]. In addition, inclusion of ionophores in the diets of ruminant animals dictates the type and amount of volatile fatty acids that result from fermentation activities, for instance ionophores have been found to enhance the production of propionic.... Keywords: ionophores, rumen fermentation, methane emission. Nalubwama S, Vaarst M, Kabi F, Kiggundu M, Bagamba F, Odhong C, Mugisha A and Halberg N 2014: Challenges and prospects of integrating livestock into smallholder organic pineapple production in Uganda. Accessed July, 2020. [4]. Parsa S., Morse S., Bonifacio A., Chancellor T. C., Condori B., Crespo-Pérez V& Sherwood S. G. (2014). [online].‟Available from‟: https://www.who.int/ipcs/assessment/public_health/asbestos/en/ [Accessed 16 January 2018]. [3]. Highway Capacity Manual. Preview Control for Lane Keeping and Its Steady-state Error Analysis. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 26(1), 574-583. Annual report of ministry. Besides, the overt and covert factors responsible for such attitude can also be identified. ABSTRACT: The study was conducted in the village of Ghoragacha in Nadia District, West Bengal with 70 respondents to find out the relationship between the profile of farmers and their attitude towards agriculture as a profession. IOSR Journal of Engineering is published by the International organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) with 12 Issues per year. Blummed, M., Vellaikumar, s., Devulapalli, R., Nigam, S. N.; Upadhyaya, H. D. and Khan, A. Agro-Science, 1(1), 42-53. Studies on mechanical properties of concrete containing waste glass aggregate, Cem. Farmer‟s awareness and knowledge of Moringa oleifera in Southwestern Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences is one of the speciality Journal in Dental Science and Medical Science published by International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR). 5(5): 833-837 (2017). BLENCH R.: Biodiversity conservation and its opponents. (2018). [3]. [3]. This job attempts to determine the effects of utilizing waste glass (WG) as a partial substitution of sand on ordinary concrete and also glass fibers (GF) reinforced concrete. Anonymous. Series-3 Groundnut haulm quality as affected by cercospora leaf spot severity. [3]. [5]. Impact of feeding yeast culture and propionic bacteria on the productive performance of lactating buffaloes. IOSR Journals Salwa Road Near to KFC and Aziz Petrol Station, DOHA, Qatar India Office: IOSR Journals SC-89 A, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad, UP, India Australia Office: 43, Ring Road, Richmond Vic 3121 Australia New York Office: 8th floor, Straight hub, NS Road, New York, NY 10003-9595 All Papers are indexed in Index Copernicus. Asiegbu J. E. (2000). (3years) Total Refs. Optimisation de l'utilisation des sous-produits de niébé en alimentation animale : cas des fanes et cosses. Faculté d'Agronomie, Université Abdou Moumouni, Niger/Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Sénégal / Niamey, Niger. Acad. Abstract: Carbon Fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP)cables are advantageous over steel cables such as their lightweight, high ultimate tension, and relatively lower elastic modulus. Build. Nomadic Peoples, (29), 87-103. Azzaz, H. H., Murad H. A, and Morsy T. A., (2015) Utility of Ionophores for Ruminant Animals Asian Journal of Animal Science9 (6): 254-265, Engineering, 2016, 38(2):192-199. Abstract: The urban infrastructure has experienced great challenges due to the increase in the population and consequently growth of the vehicle fleet. 13:234-241. Impact Factor more than 5. [2]. Park, B.C. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection. [4] Lozano-Galant, J.A., et al., Analysis of the construction process of cable-stayed bridges built on temporary supports. By using Lyapunov function method, the asymptotic Materials and Methods: The research used experiments..... Keywords: Automatic; Pest control; Rice; Solar powered; Time based. WiersmaF,. [2]. [1]. H.Y. Ionophores have been used in the animal industry of most nations for various reasons. It also discusses delay in construction projects regarding corona spread. Azzaz, H.H., Rbrif, H. M., Morsy T.A., and Kholif, S.M., (2015a). Karl Max & Friedrich Engels, Bourgeois and Proletarians, from the book "From Modernisme To Postmodernism," Blackwell Publishers 1996 [1]. The sample size of the Study was 100 smallholder dairy farms..... Keywords: A breed, Heat stress, Holstein Friesians, Jersey, Production & reproduction. 2006 ;39p. 39. It is an online open access journal that provides rapid publication (monthly) of articles in all areas of the subject such as: civil, mechanical, chemical, electronic and computer engineering as well as production and information technology. Cahoone, Lawrence E, From Modernisme To Postmodernism, Blackwell Publishers 1996 S, Issa HAMADOU || Seyni SIDDO || Nassim MOULA || Moumouni ISSA || Hamani MARICHATOU || Pascal LEROY || Nicolas ANTOINE-MOUSSIAUX, Babandi, B. In this research, the static and dynamic behaviorof a 1500m central span cable-stayed bridge with CFRP and steel cables is analyzed and compared using a numerical finite element model.The geometric non-linearity was analyzed for the dead load, live load, and temperature load case.The live load includes the pedestrian and primary vehicle load according to BS 5400:2 on the steel deck. And monensin effects on the use of waste glasses in the production cement! 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