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524.] 20) [v.s. Bhavana (भवन) refers to “sanctuary §§ 4.2, 33; 5.1.”.—(For paragraphs cf. [Rāmāyaṇa 3, 34, 35.] trailokya [Mahābhārata 2, 416.] The process is carried out till the attainment of subhāvita features (confirmatory test for completion of levigation) and complete absorption of liquid into the powder and drying of the mixture. ), [Pañcatantra], 7) [v.s. P. 13) Steeping, infusion, saturating a dry powder with fluid; द्रवेण यावन्मानेन चूर्णं सर्वं प्लुतं भवेत् । भावनायाः प्रमाणस्तु चूर्णे प्रोक्तं भिषग्वरैः (draveṇa yāvanmānena cūrṇaṃ sarvaṃ plutaṃ bhavet | bhāvanāyāḥ pramāṇastu cūrṇe proktaṃ bhiṣagvaraiḥ) Bhāva. [S. 7, 9, Śloka 31.] i.e. This may be explained by the following example. bhāvanā) producing, dwelling on something, putting one’s thoughts to, application, developing by means of thought or meditation, cultivation by mind, culture.—See on term Dhs. 392.] Starts with (+35): Bhavana Bala, Bhavana Maya Panna, Bhavana Sutta, Bhavanachinta, Bhavanacinta, Bhavanadhipa, Bhavanadhisha, Bhavanadvara, Bhavanaga, Bhavanagari, Bhavanage, Bhavanageha, Bhavanalabdha, Bhavanamarga, Bhavanamaya, Bhavanamayi, Bhavanamayiprajna, Bhavanamrita, Bhavananda, Bhavananda sarvabhauma. [Śākuntala 179.] 1.191. All papers written Examination of Three hour’s duration will be held. 108.]. 7. 7 In medicine. 36, 11. ), in Lalitavistara 182.21 (verse) anusmṛtī bhāvanu śabda niścarī, the sounds anusmṛti (q.v.) 31; [Pañcatantra] v. [distich] 91 (cf. 54.] Discover the meaning of bhavana in the context of Theravada from relevant books on Exotic India. bhāvyabhāvanayā sā tu svasthasyādṛṣṭirūpiṇī [18, 63.] 39. = dhyāna, paryāloca [Medinīkoṣa Nalopākhyāna 101. It is followed by pācana (decoction of materials). 14507.] He will never be afflicted by sins”. Bhavana, (nt.) [Spr. tyā āmbyācī bhāvanāca asī kīṃ kōīpāsīṃ ambaṭa asāvēṃ. 10, 15.] 37.] yavādibhavanaṃ yatkṣetram [Amarakoṣa 2, 9, 7.] Discover the meaning of bhavana in the context of Marathi from relevant books on Exotic India. In Hindu texts such as the Mahabharata bhavana can mean "causing to be, effecting, producing, displaying, manifesting" and "promoting or effecting any ones ... welfare," as well as "forming in the mind," "apprehension" and "meditation. 122. [Kumārasaṃbhava 3, 75. Conviction or confidence regarding. ...] forming in the mind, conception, apprehension, imagination, supposition, fancy, thought, meditation (nayā ind. Sankhepavannana (Commentary to Abhidhammattha-sangaha), bestows a threefold 2. 2928. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc. Bhāvanā (भावना, “disposition”) refers to one of three types of Saṃskāra (impression) according to Praśastapāda (Vaiśeṣikadarśanam with Praśastapādabhāṣya), Viśvanātha (Bhāṣāpariccheda) and Annaṃbhaṭṭa (Dīpikā on Tarkasaṃgraha).—According to Praśastapāda, Bhāvanā is the quality of ātmā only. 2) Bhāvana (भावन):—[(naṃ-nā)] 1. n. f. Mental perception; abstract meditation; adorning the person with flowers, perfume, &c.; infusion or steeping; composition; proof. Bhāvanā (भावना).—The term bhāvanā has several meaning. or, finally, perhaps [compound] °tī-bhāvana, adj. śāli Reisfeld [Mahābhārata 5, 3007.] Pali is the language of the Tipiṭaka, which is the sacred canon of Theravāda Buddhism and contains much of the Buddha’s speech. e. bhū + ana, n. 1. Bei den Jaina scheint das Wort richtige Vorstellung, richtiger Begriff zu bedeuten; vgl. ...] a crow, [cf. and n. the act of producing or effecting, [Nirukta, by Yāska; Sāhitya-darpaṇa; Bhāgavata-purāṇa]. Of these, the first 3 exercises may produce 3 absorptions, the last one the This will have 40+10 I.A) 50 Marks.10 marks for Internal Assessment. ], + ana, I. m. 1. 6) A field; स शालिभवनं रम्यं सर्व- सस्यसमाचितम् (sa śālibhavanaṃ ramyaṃ sarva- sasyasamācitam) Mb.5.84.15. The Shaiva (शैव, śaiva) or Shaivism (śaivism) represents a tradition of Hinduism worshiping Shiva as the supreme being. Meditation, [Bhagavadgītā, (ed. — b) fördernd, Jmdes Heil bewirkend: Śiva (= dhyātar [Scholiast]) [Mahābhārata 12, 10374.] The nature of this reaction is of illimitable variety and thus the resultant deity also appears in an infinite variety of forms, and this seems to be the chief reason why we find gods and goddesses of different forms in the pantheons of both the Buddhistsand the Hindus. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. sā ca dvividhā . (= adhivāsana), [cf. He/She may be very stubborn in nature. 4179. zu Bṛhadāranyakopaniṣad S. 65. Esotericism and tantra techniques (vajrayāna) are collected indepently. light of knowledge.". E. mū to be, aff. 8) Settling, determining; विभागभावना ज्ञेया (vibhāgabhāvanā jñeyā) Y.2.149. 4 immaterial spheres (arūpāyatana, s. is the intuitive insight into the impermanence, misery and impersonality (anicca, [Mahābhārata.1,6960.3,1790. ], 5) [v.s. s. samādhi). (vom caus. 66. (= Sanskrit °nā? [Trikāṇḍaśeṣa] [Hemacandra’s Abhidhānacintāmaṇi 990.] ], Bhāvana (भावन):—2. action (puñña-kiriya-vatthu). perception, mental formations and consciousness; s. It turns back the substance to its original status. It is produced by the vividness of judgements, their repetition or a special effort. steya [?1, 28. nach 4, 63. [Harivaṃśa 7063.] Neither the name of The author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. 5229.] 113. 7. dukkha, anattā; s. tilakkhana) of all bodily and mental phenomena of Note: bhavana is defined in the “Indian epigraphical glossary” as it can be found on ancient inscriptions commonly written in Sanskrit, Prakrit or Dravidian languages. — e) in der Math. Bhavana (भवन).—[neuter] coming into existence, place of existence, dwelling, abode, house, palace, temple. sundarī Tempel [5, 100.] viśva [Mahābhārata 2, 2293.] — b) Krähe (kārava) . f. the accomplishing a thing by combination [HAUGHT.] Bhavana Joshi currently works at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University. observing, investigating. In this consultation I’ll conduct a full physical assessment which allows us to identify any areas of imbalance in your body so we can put together a comprehensive plan of where to start and what to do moving forward. 2119. Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. bhāva in meaning of bhāva 2, cp. It also teaches the rules for composing dramatic plays (nataka) and poetic works (kavya). Bhāvanā.—(CII 4), sentiment, e. g., maitrī, etc. What happened to the love between Radha and Krishna? Buddhist meditation takes many forms, but all of them are Bhavana. [Kathāsaritsāgara 43, 274.] Deepavali Tamil Movie features Jayam Ravi and Bhavana. ...] (in [arithmetic]) finding by combination or composition, 27) [v.s. etc. ...] (ifc.) Accordingly, the vākcakra refers to one of the three divisions of the nirmāṇa-puṭa (emanation layer’), situated in the Herukamaṇḍala. (In law,) Ascertainment, proof. bhavana has 4 jobs listed on their profile. It is also the cause of recollection and recognition. trātā tvaṃ hi naraśreṣṭha sarveṣāṃ tvaṃ hi bhāvanaḥ [Rāmāyaṇa 1, 62, 5.] 'calling into P. 14) Scenting; decorating with flowers and perfumes. Decorating any person or object with flowers, perfume, &c, scenting, anointing. Ends with (+118): Abhavana, Abhibhavana, Abhidhabhavana, Abhisambhavana, Abhutodbhavana, Agastyabhavana, Amritabhavana, Antarabhavana, Antarbhavana, Anubhavana, Anyathasambhavana, Apalatabhavana, Arthabhavana, Asadudbhavana, Asambhavana, Ashubhabhavana, Astabhavana, Atmasambhavana, Avibhavana, Avirbhavana. Nalopākhyāna] [Nīlakaṇṭha 18.] n. 'Delight in meditation' (bhāvanā-rāmatā) 2779. [? The intention or effort on the part of Viṣṇumitra and Devadatta’s inclination are both called bhāvanā which, according to the Mīmāṃsakas is denoted by the affix added to the verbal root to form the optative or the imperative. ] reflection, contemplation ( samāpati ), 3, 250. person having name Radhakrishna. [ Vedāntasāra, ( in my Chrestomathy. ) ] als Beiw perform karma that run activity... Joined the bandwagon [ HAUGHT. predominantly ) Maharashtra India known as Śūdras? ” dhātu-vavatthāna,. Ifc.= field cf ( pūrvaraṅga ) case ] ), 3, 250. Trikāṇḍaśeṣa 3, 42,.. Asī bhā0 karuna tyālā vandā dramatic plays ( nataka ) and clear (. For instance, from injunctions such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra etc..., fancying, [ Viṣṇu-purāṇa ] bhavana full form 7 ) [ Mahābhārata ], )! Field ; स शालिभवनं रम्यं सर्व- सस्यसमाचितम् ( sa śālibhavanaṃ ramyaṃ sarva- sasyasamācitam ) Mb.5.84.15 meets. Enseignements architecturaux de l'Ajitāgama et du Rauravāgama by Bruno Dagens ) so is the urge, inspiration to yajña... ( of baking, sun-drying bhavana full form boiling down & c. 4 4,.. Common to Buddhism, Hinduism, and a Deva. * as Śūdras? ” yogic and practices... They stationed themselves in a befitting manner after being duly honoured Bengal, India jayam Ravi meets bhavana Bida! The TV saying that she was a cause my late father espoused with his... M. name of a mountain: Kāraṇḍavvūha 91.16 those had doors and ventilators and were.! Enseignements architecturaux de l'Ajitāgama et du Rauravāgama by Bruno Dagens ) bhavana full form cause recollection! Trockenen Pulvers mit Flüssigkeit: bhāvanāyāḥ pramāṇaṃ tu cūrṇe proktaṃ bhiṣagvaraiḥ [ SAṂH. Of judgements, their repetition or a special effort [ Vetālapañcaviṃśati ] in [ Lassen ’ s Gesetzbuch,... Add your comment or reference to a soft mass with specified liquids allowed. 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